Laughing Owl Specialist Seeds

Ixia viridiflora

Ixia viridiflora flower


Ixia viridiflora is unlike anything else you can grow - long arching spikes of exquisite jade green or turquoise flowers carried on thin wiry stems which move in the lightest breeze but which will withstand any normal weather without damage. It is easy to grow Ixia viridiflora from seed, with flowers being produced after only 8 months. These are very attractive, but do not reveal the full potential of the species. In subsequent years the corms will produce more robust plants and larger flower spikes which can reach 2′ to 3′ in height.


As with any wild species, Ixia viridiflora shows a certain amount of variation between individuals. We eliminate any poor coloured forms, and cross pollinate those with the longest spikes and the largest flowers to constantly improve our stock. Ours may be the only Ixia viridiflora breeding program in the world.


In its native habitat, Ixia viridiflora grows over winter and flowers in late spring. It will do the same if sown or planted in the autumn in a cold glasshouse in the UK, or may be planted in the spring to give a later display. Given well drained sandy soil and a sheltered situation, Ixia viridiflora will often overwinter successfully in the garden in the UK. Generally speaking, where Gladioli will survive overwinter, so will Ixia viridiflora. A warm dry summer rest will ripen the corms ready for starting into growth again in the autumn.

The position of your Ixia plants should be clearly marked as the long, narrow leaves can easily be mistaken for grass.



£70.00 per packet of 1 gram seeds
£ 600.00 per 10 grams,

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© 2022 Mark Rowland